
  •  To be a sports psychologists you need to know:
1.     Understand why you want to work with athletes
2.     Check your ego at the door
3.     Start with the end in mind
4.     Interview people in the field who are already doing what you want to do
5.     Know that there are numerous areas in the field, not just performance improvement
6.     Get solid and comprehensive training
7.     Buy every book you can that discusses sports psychology principles
8.     Be realistic
9.     Be persistent
  •  Sports psychology is beneficial not only to athletes individually but to teams as a whole. Anytime you get a bunch of people together, differences in personalities, priorities, and goals can lead to conflict. And any team in conflict will see a decrease in performance.
  • The brain – that wonderful organ that regulates your breathing, controls your breathing heart, and manages the rest of your body – is at the core of all successful sports performances. It can make or break you. 
  •   Sports psychology can help you to:
o   Manage performance anxiety
o   Use visualization
o   Increase and maintain your confidence
o   Relax under pressure
o   Manage energy levels
o   Set and achieve goals
o   Focus in critical moments and extend concentration



  • 20-40% of the golf game is mental
  • Sports psychologists changes elite athletes mental part by 2-3%
  • Most elite athletes believe that success is 95% mental

In this graph it shows basic, preparatory and performance mental skills comparing a women runner aged 34. In this graph you see that a woman that can handle her anxiety, emotion and is good in competition will receive high scores than basic knowledge.
This graph relates to my topic because it shows that if one were to use a sports psychologist to improve their performance they will see better scores because they become more confident in themeselves.